01274 921940
To book a home visit with one of our dedicated staff and to see how we can provide help to you or your loved ones, please contact us on 01274 921940
Home and Community Based Support
Aspire 2B Care offers support at and from home, tailoring specialised packages of assistance to best meet your needs. This will include intensive support for clients who have high-level support, ie personal care, preparing a meal, household chores, shopping and other needs. We will help you to get ready for the day, attend appointments, assist you in taking part in social activities during the day, or on an evening, and play a fuller part in your family life and community.​
Supported Living
We support you or others living independently in your home. This can mean supporting you for a few hours a week to manage your home, to supporting you 24/7 with the appropriate level of individual support and promoting inclusion in your local community.
Alternative Day Services
We offer an alternative day service in which each individual client has a programme of activity to best meet their needs. This could include visiting a working farm, attending local drama groups, music groups, swimming, local gyms, cinema, and social events.
Transition Into Adult Services
The transition from school to adult life can be difficult for any young person, but for anyone with learning difficulties and their family, the challenge can seem overwhelming. We work in conjunction with the transitions team to develop an adult care package which will meet your needs.
Parents With Learning Difficulties
We help parents in the home and out in the community to develop household routines, efficient budgeting, and attending health appointments, reviews, or contact meetings.